Wednesday, May 14, 2008

back in my little town

We just got back from a wonderful trip to Disneyland. Catherine and I drove down there Friday morning and stayed until Monday afternoon. We were looking for a relaxing trip to help us unwind from all the things we've been dealing with and that's just what we got. Honestly, it was close to perfect. Just what we needed.

I made my first significant cash in an online poker tournament. I got 3rd place out of 90-something entrants in an $8 tournament. Obviously it wasn't life changing money, but still it was morale boosting. I got really lucky in the tournament, as I was crippled early on, with only 2 BBs, but was able to build up to being the chip leader with 3 left. But the blinds were big enough that if you didn't get lucky you wouldn't win, and I didn't get lucky at the right times, so I left in 3rd. Oh well, like I said, morale boosting. Our bankroll is close to $1k again, so we will hopefully be heading to a live card club soon where we can make some real money.

One thing about the WSOP main event final table. If you haven't heard about it, google is your friend. But after a lot of thinking and listening to both sides I've decided that I like the idea and I think it should be supported whole-heartedly. Yes, there are some questions about it ruining the integrity of the event, but, in my opinion, the integrity of the event is already in question. I mean, when was the last time we considered the winner the "world champion"? The WSOP main event is a marketing tool for poker. Yes, there is some nostalgia involved, but really, we can't say that it decides who the best really is. So why not use this tournament to its greatest advantage?

Anyways, back to work.

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