Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the sky is flailing

Watched the second debate last night. Another interesting one, but not one with a clear victor one way or the other. I have to say that John McCain "won" in my opinion, he was strong in the economy section and always has the advantage in foreign policy. But since he didn't route Obama its not a big victory. It will be interesting to see how the polls react.

I also never mentioned the VP debate, which was another close one, but I actually think Biden had the edge on that one.

One thing to point out that is of interest is that while Obama is ahead in most polls it shouldn't worry McCain supporters too much as long as the Obama lead isn't too high. Looking back at the primaries Obama consistently did worse on election day than the polls suggested. I can't remember a time when he did as well or better actually. There's a lot of reasons for this, but I suspect we'll see it as well on November 4th.

Yesterday I played a little poker and won back 4 1/2 buy ins. That was encouraging. I just need to buckle down and keep playing well. That's the key.

ps. dexter season 3 is awesome so far. amen.

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